Online Master of Science in Behavior Analysis

Prepare for certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analysis through this flexible online degree program.

Request Information
Two teachers sit at a table outside with students doing arts and crafts activities.

Credits required


Cost per-credit*




Start terms

3 per year

The curriculum for the online M.S. in behavioral analysis is pre-approved by the ABAI to meet the course requirements for students pursuing their Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) certification. Divided between classroom-based instruction and hands-on experiential learning, the curriculum includes research training, certification exam preparation and practical training coordination. Students may select from two practicum experiences and they only are required to complete half of the required BACB® hours during the program. The remaining hours can be completed after they finish the master's program and move into the next phase of their career.

*Program tuition. Base tuition cost. Does not include student fees. Please note everyone's net tuition costs is specific to their own situation and will be different for each person. Learn more about tuition and fees >

Enrollment deadlines

  • Fall: July 15
  • Spring: November 15
  • Summer: March 15

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University of California 1,668 402 27 days

Statistics provided for the region including: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

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