Online student policies

Class Conduct -  It is the student’s responsibility to contribute to the maintenance of a campus environment that fosters intellectual curiosity and diversity.

Netiquette - Students must adhere to the University's student conduct requirements and conduct themselves in a manner that creates a mutually beneficial learning environment.

Technical requirements - Students enrolled in online classes must meet the appropriate technical requirements.

Identity verification - Students must provide at least one form of identity per online class.

Testing accommodations - Students who require alternative testing services should complete the following steps as early as possible in a semester.

Class changes - Each student is responsible for reviewing class content periodically for changes and asking the instructor if they have questions.

Class materials copyright - The classes you are enrolled in contain a variety of materials that are subject to copyright and are the property of the University of Nevada, Reno.

Outside sources - Links to outside sources may be provided to help students access valuable resources in the course content. The University does not maintain this content.